Monday, January 27, 2014

Choice Writing Studies Topic

In all honesty, I'm still not entirely certain what to choose as a topic to cover for the research paper, but there's no surprise there considering I can be rather picky with more than just what I write or choose to write. Though it was difficult in even conjuring up ideas, I do have two basic ideas that I would like to look into. One idea I got from the example papers on the class blog, and the second I got from one of the class examples one of my classmates.

My first choice came from the example paper, Texting and Writing by Michaela Cullington, where Michaela runs through texting in today's world and if it  interferes with academic writing or professional writing skills. This would be, in my opinion, one of the easier topics to gain data from just because Everyone texts, so everyone is a possible research subject ideally. Yet I would prefer to find a more specific target than the general idea of, "Does texting effect writing etiquette?"

The second choice is whether or not academic writing can deteriorate a person's creative writing, which, if memory serves me write, was one of the ideas in class. I got interested in this idea mainly because I feel it does, considering experiences that I've been through, and even am currently facing with school papers. While I prefer creative writing, writing in academia has been making writing more a chore due to rules and regulations in the supposed writing etiquette.